General information
Personal Competitions
Clan Competitions
Global Competitions
The War of the Worlds
Relocation to enemy Dimension
The War of the Worlds — Features
Scoring points
The end of the War of the Worlds
The War of the Worlds: Progress
The War of the Worlds: Progress — Features
The War of the Worlds: Clans
The War of the Worlds: Clans — Features

Scoring points

Dimension points are the total number of points from all Commanders taking part in the War of the Worlds. By completing tasks and scoring points, each Commander contributes to the victory.

To win the global Competition, your Dimension needs to score more points than the opposing Dimension.

In the War of the Worlds, points are scored for the following actions:

  • Destroying troops from the enemy Dimension (both in the enemy Dimension and your home one)
  • Plundering resource locations in the enemy Dimension
  • Attacking Aggressors and Ultra Aggressors in the enemy Dimension

Note that if you joined the Clan after the War of the Worlds appeared in the Events window, points you score will not count towards the total Clan points, even if you complete all required tasks in the War of the Worlds. Hence, you have to be a Clan member when the War of the Worlds begins in order for your points to count.

Related materials

Dimensions Map
Global Map