Lord's Palace
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Townscapes tab

Townscapes and info about how to obtain them can be found here. You can also find out about the active bonuses provided by unlocked Townscapes here.

The list of upgradable Townscapes can be viewed in the All Townscapes section. Here, unlocked Townscapes appear first, followed by unavailable ones. At the end of the list, you will find the "No Townscape" icon, which allows you to switch back to your Town's regular appearance.

The seasonal Townscapes that you can purchase in the Seasonal Store using ducats are also displayed here. You don't need to unlock them; once purchased, they will already be at level 1 and all their bonuses will affect your Town. You can read more about them in the Seasons section.

There are three types of Townscape: usual ones are gray, rare are dark blue, and legendary are yellow. Townscapes also have levels. There are five levels in total. Each level corresponds to the number of stars on the Townscape icon.

If there is an arrow next to a Townscape, it means that you have met the condition to upgrade it.

The "Townscape bonuses" section contains information about how Townscapes influence various game stats.