Boost features
Hero’s Double
Moderate Economy and Great Economy
Greed and Great Greed
Prophet and Second Сraftsman
Accelerated Training and Enlightenment
Peace Treaty
Infirmary Expander
Will to Live
Warrior Number in an Onslaught
Convoys and Convoys to the Stronghold
Warrior Training Limit
Troop enlargement in an Onslaught

Moderate Economy and Great Economy

You can temporarily lower your warriors' Food consumption by using the Moderate Economy and Great Economy items.

For example, if the Food consumption in your Town is 40,000 units per hour, it will decrease to 30,000 units per hour when you activate the 24-Hour Moderate Economy, 25% boost.

The duration of the Moderate Economy and Great Economy items is 24 hours and 7 days, respectively. You can purchase them in the Item Store for Gold or get them for attacking Uber Invaders.

There are two ways to apply the items:

1. Opening the Items window, going to the My Items tab, then opening the Resources section.

2. Activating them in the Resources tab of the Boosts window, Troop Upkeep category.

Important! If you apply several items, their durations are added together. So, if you activate the "24-Hour Moderate Economy, 25%" item and then the "7-Day Great Economy, 25%" item, the bonus will be active for 8 days.

Boosts that affect the same stat but have different bonuses replace each other.

For example, let's say you applied the "24-Hour Moderate Economy, 50%" boost first, and then the "7-Day Great Economy, 75%" boost. The first one will stop working and the second boost will start working. That is to say, Food consumption in the Town will decrease by 75%, and the duration counter (7 days) will be reset.

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