
A Raid is a joint attack performed by the members of one Order or Pact on Towns of other Lords or Castles.

If a Lord is not an Order member and their Palace is below level 15, it will be impossible to initiate a Raid against their Town.

Build the Military Camp in order to be able to participate in Raids.

If you want to launch a Raid on another Lord's Town, go to the Kingdom map, select the target, tap the "Raid" button and set the start time for the joint attack. Then the window for forming a troop will be displayed.

If a member of your Order or Pact is forming a Raid, you'll see the information about it in the Raids tab of the Military Camp, or in your Order menu. To take part in a Raid, hit the "Participate" button next to any empty panel for new participants.

The Council Hall level in your Town determines the headcount of the troop you are sending on a Raid. The total number of Raid troops depends on the level of the Military Camp in the Town of the Lord who launched the Raid.

If there is no Inquisitor in your Town yet, a troop can be sent on a Raid without a leader (Hero/Double), but the troop won’t receive bonuses to their military stats.

If there is an Inquisitor in your Town, one troop led by both the Hero/Double and the Inquisitor can be sent on a Raid; or you can send two troops: one led by the Hero/Double, another by the Inquisitor.

A Raid is canceled in the following circumstances:

  • The Lord who formed the Raid cancels it
  • The Lord who formed the Raid leaves their Order
  • The attacked player leaves their Order and their Palace is below level 15
  • The Order of the Lord who formed the Raid is disbanded
  • The attacked Town is relocated
  • The attacked Town is protected by Inaccessibility

Initially, only one Raid can be formed in a Town. To be able to form more Raids, you need to:

  • Upgrade the Council Hall to the level at which two or more marches can be sent simultaneously.
  • Activate the Hero’s Double or summon an Inquisitor.

You can form a new Raid after the troops of the first Raid led by the Hero/Double or Inquisitor have left the Town and are heading to their destination.

Please note: if you have summoned an Inquisitor, only troops with a leader can be sent on a Raid (Hero/Double and/or the Inquisitor). This means that you can send a maximum of two troops on a Raid.

If you have formed the first Raid from two troops led by the Hero/Double and the Inquisitor, and you have the possibility of forming a second Raid, the remaining leader will head it up – the Hero’s Double/Hero.

In case the Town of the Lord who launched the Raid comes under attack, the troops of other Raid participants will defend it.

After the Raid has ended, the surviving troops return to their Towns.

Lords who want to form or participate in a Raid and do not meet all the required conditions will see a pop-up window with a list of necessary actions.

If a Lord cannot take part in a Raid at the moment, a window will be displayed explaining why the action is not possible.

Remember that you can start the Raid before the timer runs out, without waiting for all the warriors to arrive. To do so, tap the "Start" button in the Raid window.