Standard Study categories
Conducting standard Studies
Study categories in the "Foreign expertise" tab
Conducting Studies in the "Foreign expertise" tab
Imperial Fury

Conducting Studies in the "Foreign expertise" tab

There are two ways to conduct this type of Studies: for Gold, instantly, or for Trophies of Arms, which will take some time.

Trophies of Arms are special items that you can get by destroying:

  • Enemy warriors from other Kingdoms
  • Rebels in Rebels' Towers
  • Foreign warriors during a Championship in the Order Citadel

You can see the number of Trophies of Arms you have in the Resources section of the My Items tab.

Initially, the cost of Studies in all categories is the same. However, after you conduct a Study in one category, the cost for the remaining categories will increase by one level.

For example, if you conduct the first Study in the Attacking category, then the cost of the Studies in the Defending and Castles I categories will increase to the second level. If, after this, you conduct a Study in the Defending category, the cost of the Studies in the Castles I category will increase to the third level.

If you start to conduct the first Study in one of the categories, and then change your mind and interrupt the process, the cost of the Studies in the remaining categories will be reset to their initial level. However, the Trophies of Arms won't be returned in this case.

For example, if you conduct the first Study in the Defending category, the cost of the Studies in the Attacking and Castles I categories will increase to the second level. If you interrupt the process, the cost for these two categories will be reset to the first level.

Think carefully about which category to choose first: Studies in your selected category will cost you much less.


  • If you conduct a Study in any category of the first stage, this won't affect the cost of conducting a Study of the second stage.
  • The higher the Study cost level, the more Power and Hero's and Inquisitor's Experience you will get for conducting it.
  • Boosts, VIP status, and other bonuses influence the Studies in the "Foreign expertise" tab in the same way that they affect standard Studies.
  • You can only conduct one Study at a time, but this increases to two when the Hire Scholar special item is applied.