General information
Personal Competitions
Clan Competitions
Global Competitions
The War of the Worlds
Relocation to enemy Dimension
The War of the Worlds — Features
Scoring points
The end of the War of the Worlds
The War of the Worlds: Progress
The War of the Worlds: Progress — Features
The War of the Worlds: Clans
The War of the Worlds: Clans — Features

Relocation to enemy Dimension

Commanders who are members of a Clan can relocate to the enemy Dimension using a special Intervention item. This item can only be used during the War of the Worlds. To purchase the Intervention and Evacuation items (the Evacuation item is needed to return to your home Dimension before the Competition ends), open the Bonuses section in the Item Store or the location information window in the enemy Dimension.

Please note: You can also relocate to the other Dimension using the Early Relocation item (if your Headquarters/Core is below level 6). If you do this, however, the Dimension you relocate to will become your home Dimension.

When you relocate your Base to an enemy territory using the Intervention item, the location of your Base in your home Dimension will be occupied by a Base Reflection. This is a special location that prevents other Commanders from taking your territory. You will return to this location after the War of the Worlds ends.

You can relocate your Base when in another Dimension using the Base Relocator or Randomized Base Relocator items. If the Energy Dome, Base Design and Rank given to you by the Alpha were active when you relocated, they will remain active in the enemy territory.

Commanders who are members of a Clan can claim the Intervention and Evacuation items for taking part in the War of the Worlds. These items can be found by opening the Events window and then tapping on the Info tab in the global Competition.

Related materials

Dimensions Map
Global Map