Battle on the Isles
Town relocation
Royal Isles
Tournament features
Setting traps
Scoring points
End of the Tournament

Town relocation

The Battle on the Isles epic Tournament takes place on the Royal Isles. You can relocate your Town to these lands by using the Journey to the Isles item. To return to your home Kingdom, use the Return from the Isles item. You can do this at any time while the Tournament is active.

You can purchase the Journey to the Isles and Return from the Isles items in the Item Store (in the Bonuses section) and in the Order Store. Lords can also receive both items for free in the epic Tournament block in the Events window.

You can only use the Journey to the Isles item if the following requirements have been met:

  • You are the member of an Order that is participating in the Battle on the Isles
  • Your account was created more than 30 days ago
  • Your Palace is level 21 or higher
  • You don't have any active marches or troops in garrisons
  • The Tournament is active and more than 5 minutes are left until it ends